
By Lizimagiz

Mandarins Galore

We have quite a large mandarin tree on our property. It is right on the front fence line. The wooden fence is five feet high and the tree has grown taller than that and protrudes a little over the footpath .
There is a great crop of mandarins on the tree this year. It is smothered with fruit. At least it still is on our side of the fence and garden.
The fruit is gradually being stripped from the street-side. It seems nearly everyone who walks past helps themselves to some fruit. The students at the community college next door to us seem particularly partial to mandarins.
Now, I don't mind folk enjoying our fruit at all. If it is not eaten it is likely to be wasted. I am all for folk eating lots of citrus fruit at this time of the year in order to boost their immune systems. Plus the fibre is good.
What I do mind is that there are mandarin skins all over the footpath outside our place and way down the road. Perhaps I should put up a notice..."Please help yourselves but PLEASE take the skins away with you".
Anyway that is enough of my griping. As can be seen in this image we had lots more rain overnight and the raindrops look quite lovely on the fruit.
The weather forecast for the South Island is foul, with gales, sleet and snow predicted. So all of you who are likely to be affected keep cheerful and keep warm.

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