
By suehutton

Bambi and his Mum

It was virtually dark when Basil and I went out for our daily plod. Well, Basil plodded, I was riding Cecily. Lots of Christmas lights adorning the fronts of houses on our estate.

We had a bit of an incident where the path from Linley Avenue joins Leicester Road. There's a concrete and. metal bike blocker at the entrance. I don't like them because I can't get through easily on Cecily. I started trying to drive through only to discover that my crutch which I have to take with me in case I need to get off, was pressing against the forward lever. I only narrowly avoided driving Cecily into a wall. What to do?

I dismounted and leaned the crutch against the wall, pulling at the front handles to try and move Cecily out of the muddy leaves. I got the front wheels on to the path but she was too heavy for me to lift her back end and I couldn't move the freewheeling lever. Eventually, a young man walked by and very kindly hauled her out. He had to use the freewheeling feature.

Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers.

Bambi and his Mum were standing in the front garden of a house on Linley Avenue. An interesting presentation from Gerry Coe, iPhone photography artist this evening but my eyes were closing. Too tired these days.

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