A day in the life

By Shelling


Today is Lucia, a name that comes from "Lux" light carried by a saint from the Christian catholic church but also has a pagan history. The 13th of december was celebrated as the darkest night in old times but after changing calendar from Julian to the Gregorian, the darkest day ended up being the 21st. 

As long as I remember Lucia has been celebrated but nowadays the celebrations are bigger than ever. Swedish Tv has for many years filmed a Lucia ceremony from somewhere in the country, this year it was recorded in Kalmar castle. I watched it of course, there are several people I know among the artists but what caught my ear was a duo of lute and recorder, who did a very moving piece together. The lutenist did a solo piece as well and I liked the arrangement so I spent quite a long time writing it down from the recording.

In the evening we had our own Lucia choir in a nearby church, packed with people, some had to go back home because the church was full. The blip is from that performance, an all female choir, who made their debut in the church. Nice evening.

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