Capital adventures

By marchmont


I had a good night's sleep, so unusual in KL.  #1 son had the doc this morning so I was over at 9 to look after the girls.  We spent the day at mine; making oobleck, then crackers and after lunch in swim in the empty pool.  I look down on these condos and all the empty pools.  After the swim they decided they wanted a bath, full of bubbles.

Back at HK I read a bit and eventually WH ordered take out.  I think cooking is increasingly difficult there with a very wonky oven, no microwave and now a dodgy hob. I had egg fried rice with chicken, chilli and broccoli.  It was very good.  

Took a beer back with me while I watched the very last ep of The Crown.  It is dire.

And there was news.  #1 son has dengue fever, endemic here but he's never had it before.  No treatment other than fluids, rest, paracetamol and being alert to the warning signs of the more severe version of the disease. 

And C sent in her resignation so all these thoughts of being out of it have disappeared.  Messages to and from with S and a call late on with A.  There are things to sort and a deadline.

Earlier I spoke to J and an update on the illnesses on that side of the world.  Here my cough continues, intermittent but annoying. 

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