Come into the Garden

By aprecious

General Naughtiness - I blame the owner

This morning I have made up a little song. Feel free to sing along.

(I have tried it in Motown style and that works well.)

I love hats,
I love socks,
I love gloves,
But best of all - I love Crocs.

Oh yes, if some of you want to stand in a group and be do-whoop girls, that would be brill.

So, altogether now,

I love hats,
I love socks,
I love gloves,
But best of all - I love Crocs.

Do-whoop de-do.

You can click you fingers as well if you like.

This photograph - know the one where the carefully planned photo session goes a bit Pete Tong*? Yeah, that one. But it made me laugh! She was posing so nicely with the Croc and then she ran off with it!

*That's 'wrong' for all our American chums. (And for Snotty who is bound to say, "eh?")

I've already had a very eventful day - including a nose bleed and I haven't even had my breakfast yet.

Oh yes, the fact that this dog is deranged is entirely down to its owners. Whoever they are. We do occasionally have the wistful conversation where we go, why are our animals as bonkers as they are? And then we look at each other and it becomes obvious.

Thank you very much for the response to yesterday's blip.

Oh yes, these are my latest Flickr uploads: picnic for two, how high, dripping and skipping.

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