Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Had a nice lie in this morning, the first of many now till the 2nd of January.  Lol!

After breakfast I headed out to hand deliver my last few cards, Cwtch books and presents.  Even though I thought the roads might be hectic, I didn't encounter any problems, thank goodness.

Had some real good catch up with friends and chats about all sorts.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  There was only one friend that was out and I missed.

Had some sad news in the evening, when I heard one of my friend's husband was in palliative care.  I'm heart broken for her.  I've just told her that I'm always available on the phone, should she need to talk to anyone.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Delivering my last cards, Cwtch books and presents
2.  Good chats with my friends

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