talloplanic views

By Arell


I'm not sure which helped more by midday today: my bottle of Lucozade or the second lot of stronger pain meds.  I've had such an awful lot on at work the last few days that by Thursday afternoon I was running on fumes.  I spent that evening, and all of Friday, and all of this morning, utterly tired out with a headache that wouldn't go away.  I've not had one for quite a few weeks but that's probably the usual lull in between clusters.  The drink went down a treat, though.

I felt better this afternoon and spent it productively in the garage since Storm Pia is still hanging around, doing loud, wet, stormy things and being generally in the way.

Just as I was putting things away, I managed to drop Fidra onto her right-hand side on the driveway.  Three hundred kilogrammes of Soichiro Honda san's finest motorcycle overbalanced and immediately became six hundred kilogrammes.  It crumpled out of reach in slow motion, taking my leg with it.  I think less damage was done to Fidra and more to my shin, which is now sporting two huge swellings, but I said some very rude words nonetheless.  Fortunately because I am tall and very strong have watched lots of YouTube videos about how to lift huge bikes, I was able to get to one side and push the machine upright again using only my legs and back.  Maybe all that land speed record training of years gone by finally came in handy after all.

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