
By mcgoobs

Home Cooked Food

Wednesdays are my day off, and very welcome it was too, considering I spent last Wednesday curled up in bed on antibiotics, with a throat so swollen it was hard to swallow water without it going up my nose!

Had a lovely lie in before Simone - my new housemate - and I headed off to a local hardware store, Jumbo, which sells EVERYTHING and then on to Lidl, which wasn't as exciting as we'd hoped. Still it had stuff the local shops didn't and I managed to get lots of grub to tide me over til the next trip. After getting in we decided that a trip to the beach was in order and I donned my bikini for the first time since I've been in Corfu - shameful!

The beach was so hot that the sand burnt our feet and we soon headed into the water where we sat in the shallows nattering, soaking up the sun and watching the world (and waves) go by. After cooling off we headed back onto the sand where we both promptly fell asleep. Lovely! Think I might actually be starting to get brown :)

Managed to do my first proper bit of home cooking when I returned and cobbled a chili together with the bits I'd managed to lay my hands on. The dogs are like magnets to food and all came around to beg and be hopefully. Three of them got very dodgy haircuts yesterday and were unrecognisable, they looked like badly shawn sheep! We now know their names - Lilly, Xena (or Dina not 100% sure which!), Johnny and Shrek.

I feel like I'm settling in well now - St George is so small that it takes no time at all to know or recognise most of the locals, which means there's a nice community vibe. On top of that, reps get treated very well - I was able to see a private doctor and get antibiotics without him asking for a penny and we get a discount and the occasional free drink in most of the bars and restaurants. Looking forward to a quick trip home in a fortnight's time... will be lovely to get a dose of home!

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