
By mcgoobs

Busy Bees

Busy bees, or wasps, or whatever they are on a tiny little nest on the road up to one of my hotels. I've never seen a nest out in the open like this, just stuck onto a piece of metal fencing, very odd, so I did what any self-respecting photosoccer would do and took a picture!

In any case they seem busier than I am - have spent most of my visiting hours today sat around and waiting for people to come and see me, and that largely hasn't happened! The heat is getting serious now - it's been about 33 degrees and it hits you like a wave when you leave anywhere air-conditioned. No idea how I'll cope when it gets into the forties! Not that I should be complaining... airport tomorrow and then see ins all evening (and possibly at 3am...) so tomorrow will be a busy day. My feet are scared of my airport shoes already...

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