Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Through the darkness

We made it. After an amazing drive through the night, 5 hours in bed, we started our family Christmas with #1 son’s family and continued with the Newhaven family and a marvellous dinner.

Amazing things included: the moon, lighting up Loch Eck and Loch Fyne and Loch Lomond as we sped past; the fact that we saw not a single other car all the way over the Rest as far as Arrochar, and probably saw only a dozen all the way to Edinburgh; the hot water bottles in our bed when we arrived and the stockings hanging on the mantelpiece (not had a stocking for over 60 years).

Now we’ve been royally fed, are surrounded by gifts and fairy lights and candles and gentle snoring, and have checked in to the hotel across the road. Soon we’ll have a bit of cake (I think) and go to bed.

And breathe …

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