Living my dream

By Mima

Limited harvests

The rain has been torrential at times today, accompanied by some thunder and lightning.

I needed to pick raspberries quite urgently. If they are left on the canes to rot the rest of the summer’s crop will be compromised. So even if they are watery and not the very best taste, they do need to be removed. 

Accordingly I got into head to toe waterproofs and ventured into the fruit cage in a downpour. Within moments water had crept down the inside of my right arm, and somehow my left leg was wet as well. 

I had picked about 1/2 of the crop when the lightning started. It’s not the best place to be on such occasions: with iron warratahs around me. I beat a retreat back to the truck, dripping and drowned like the proverbial rat. 

The rest of the raspberries will have to wait until the inside of my waterproofs have dried out.

I did manage to snatch five minutes of pea-picking between the heaviest rain: enough for my supper. But they too need to be properly picked later.

My injured finger woke me in the night, full of fierce pins and needles which took half an hour to wiggle away. Worried that it might signal an infection I decided to take the strapping off to inspect it after I’d had breakfast. 

I apprehensively unwound the bandage and removed the padding. Beneath them are the three steristrips, still sticking my finger together. I left them untouched and investigated all round them: there were no signs of infection at all. Hooray. The whole finger tip is numb though, and I suspect some nerves are cut. Which might explain the intermittent pins and needles.

Carefully I put on a new bit of padding and re-strapped it all again. I will make an appointment for the nurse to check it on Friday. I am not at all sure how to ensure it mends as well as possible and need her advice.

Bean has had the most boring day, snoozing under a blanket. We walked round the garden before and after lunch, and she scampered back into the warm dry truck as soon as possible each time.

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