Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Double trouble

Pram/buggy/travel system is here!! I had to wait for Mr L to return from his course for him to finish putting it together. I couldn't get the supports down on the carry cot parts, bump was getting in the way of me getting enough oomph.

Just need the babies that go in it not too soon though (I hope)

The cot beds are in but there was no way they were going to fit in my car so we are going to pick them up on the weekend. Think grandad is going to have to meet us there with his car as I don't think the cots and the mattresses will all fit in Mr L's car. Aldo it means he can help carry and put them together.

Tired tired bunny today, the boys aren't letting me or my bladder sleep through the night and its been a busy week, and we are going to a multiples specific ante natal class in Bristol on Saturday so no lie in then :-(

Maybe I'll have a long nap Sunday afternoon

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