Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Little Bit of a Little Bit

It was so lovely to recieve such a warm welcome back to! and here was me thinking that I was going to slip back in all quite like.... I so loved to here from old blip friendsand felt so happy that you were all still here.

It was just over a month ago that my darling Dad passed on and I still feel like I am finding myself within the world without Dad.
Most of the time it's business as usual and life goes on but every so often I find myself blind sighted by a dream or a memory and the tears and lumpy throat come up at (often times) at very inappropriate moments when I'm out and about in the world. 
I lost my voice for 5 days after he passed and in some ways even though I felt sick as a dog I was glad I couldnt talk or say anything...I really didnt want to and in many ways I still dont want to talk about all the feelings..insights and the deep stirrings of the family blood that decided  to reveal things I had chosen to was like the raising of the titanic within me ...... but..... I can write about it and even though they are very 
personal feelings I always felt safe writing it all down here on Blip.

When things/feelings get too intense I find that playing with color and paint helps me navigate my inner world....creating funny little abstracts bring me much joy and balance.

This is just a small vignette of a larger painting I did today.

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