From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The Longest Day

Well, that's it! The nights start drawing in now and Christmas will soon be here! I hope you all enjoyed the summer.

Today was a peculiar day. I spent a chunk of it ranting at Virgin Media as my wifi died at 9:45 this morning when I was in the middle of doing some testing. I thought there might be trouble at the Solihull Council end and was going to put a help desk call in when I saw that I couldn't get any internet on my phone either. A call to Virgin revealed that they were doing maintenance down my street but the service would be back at 10:15. Nice of them to warn me! I could have gone to the office for a wild Friday instead. The helpful souls from @virginmedia on Twitter apologised and sent me a handy link to check the service status in a particular postcode area. I pointed out that if my broadband has been removed without notice, an internet link was pretty bloody useless! They are passing on my comments and suggestions onto the powers that be. HUMPH! At least I stopped short of suggesting where Richard Branson could stick his trains although it's an interesting thought, isn't it? ;-)

Anyway, I used the unexpected early break as lunch and made an omelette, emptied the washing machine and gave the birds some worms before getting back to work. I finished at 3:15 and had a lovely chat before running out (OK, dawdling out) to find a shot for today. Oh and Simon next door rang the doorbell to let me know he was going to trim my bush! He's very good as there were 7 sacks of garden rubbish outside the front when I got back. Great! I never felt a thing and it's so much tidier now!

I went over the country park at the back hoping to take a few planes leaving. Nothing doing. They all stopped taking off as soon as I got near. It has been suggested that my squeaky boot had caused a security alert... I give up! I'm going to order some new boots from somewhere this week.

Track? As the summer solstice is often a time of rituals and magic, let's have the fabulous Peter Green with Black Magic Woman

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