
By Jamjar


The forecast was good, as it's been for the whole weekend - amazing for Wet Wales  - so Fi plotted a walk starting from just above Cwm y Glo i.e. on the way home.  We packed and then cleaned the hut before driving to the start point. 

As we began walking Richard got a phone call from Bill, who had been left still cooking his breakfast and was charged with locking up, asking who'd left a container in the fridge containing half an avocado and various other bits.... Oops that was me, so Bill said he'd wrap it up and leave it outside behind the bins. Great, and it wasn't far to go back for.

The photo is quite early in the walk, must be because I've still got my coat on and I took it off when we started the ascent.

The walk was... shall I say interesting! There was a lot of bog on the way up to Cefn Du, the summit, and all four of us fell, or sunk too deeply for dry feet, but eventually we reached high ground and the trig point, on the way passing the brick ruin - extra.

Coming down wasn't quite so boggy, but involved various tracks and a lot of dog-legs to avoid road walking. We also passed the Chamois MC hut, the club that my friend Angie belongs to. It's massive!

As we neared the cars we could see a fire engine with flashing lights and our first thought was "Oh no, we've blocked the way!". But thankfully that was not the case, they were just attending a suspected chimney fire and there was plenty of room for them to get past our cars.

It's been a great weekend, the weather's been fabulous for January, and the hut is a new one for us which we'll definitely book again! My knee has been fine and I've done a lot more walking this weekend than of late.

6.04 miles
1,090 feet elevation gain 

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