A Beautiful Gift

I love receiving parcels and this one was very special- a lovely book from my friend, visualbinam in Iran. It contains a collection of excellent photos taken by young photographers in his country. Many are really impressive, but there was good reason for visualbinam's entry to be on the cover.

This week's BlipBlog discusses the barriers, both geographical and social, that Blipfoto breaks down. Mothers in different countries connect, or cyclists. Or mothers can connect with cyclists.
This is an great thing about Blipfoto, and here I can show how a young man in Iran is friends with an old woman in New Zealand.

Like many blippers I have long enjoyed visualbinam's excellent photos of his family and other people, and his homeland. I have also benefited from his practical advice on things relating to photography and post-processing, and his encouraging support. An unlikely friend, but a real friend nonetheless.

Thank you, VB!

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