The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The non-woodpecker blip

A woodpecker is visiting the suet and nut feeder several times a day. We don't know if it's the juvenile we saw yesterday with its parent, or if it's the parent. We can't see the spots on the head/nape of neck. Neither have we managed a blip; it flies away every time!

So the photo mojo mojo is still lacking. I hope it will return. I'm trying not to worry about it. This morning we got up and started/carried on cleaning, as Steve's sister was due to visit. She turned up mid morning, but said she wouldn't stay long, as she had had a fall and was feeling fragile. So we had lunch, and then she and CleanSteve left, and I had some time to make birthday cards. I hadn't made any for months, until one was needed for a 60th birthday. Then, my niece saw it and said she wanted the same for her birthday, which is on Monday! So, I've made a similar one (Jimi Hendrix theme) and then a sort of flower power one, shown here, for another friend.

Apart from buying/maintaining my essential craft tools, my new approach to card making involves using any old pieces of paper or stuff I have lying around, in a collagey way. So it should be cheap, though seems to take up as much space as ever.
I haven't been near my file-sorting today; needed a day off.

This evening I went to a non-barbecue barbecue in the rain; and played a non- sporting game of Trivial Pursuit, which my team almost won. There are, however, drawbacks to starting playing board games at 10 pm with others who are either

a) deaf
b) seemingly colour blind, actually because the lighting is so poor
c) confused, because they've never played the game before
d) concerned about playing totally by the rules
e) concerned about getting the game over quicker, and inventing short cuts
f) impatient and more concerned with the answers than all the other stuff
g) unable to take turns or play in teams

It made me think of a comedy sketch set in a care home...

(I'm f), by the way).

Goodnight. blippers! I shall get this posted before it's tomorrow.

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