Summer on the Mountain

The first day of summer. The sun is shining. Tomorrow it is supposed to start raining again. So... what to do?

Invite brother Steve and his house mate Carol to come up to the mountain with us. We all drove up to the Mount Baker ski area to do some walking and exploring. It was hard to choose a photo but this one won the day. There was a group of young fellows skiing and snow boarding down a hill into a small pool. They planed through the water. Some made it and some didn't. This fellow did. He made a great rooster tail as he zoomed along the water to the other side where he easily slid back out again. Some of his buddies were not so lucky. But they were young and having a great time. One of them, on a dare, dove right into the pool which was maybe a meter/yard deep. They were having a ball and so were we. We stopped at Milano's for dinner on the way home. It was a great way to spend a sunny day.

More photos here.

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