
By Ridgeback13

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After finding it hard to get to sleep last night I was up at 5.30am (which of course felt like 4.30!) to catch the shuttle bus back to the airport. Had some breakfast then onto the plane home….slept the whole way back!
Lovely to arrive in such bright sunny weather, but a t-shirt, cardigan and denim jacket were definitely not quite enough to keep the bitterly cold icy weather at bay. Still, was lucky with the tram and bus to get home fairly smoothly. Got the heating on, the first load of washing in, had a shower and then settled down to reading the papers for next week’s Board ready to talk them through with VG in the afternoon. We managed to get through them all and then I went down to the Playfair Library to join MH’s celebration for 10 years of MOOCs at the University. Lovely to see Arclight and a number of others there and I had some good chats and catch ups with people.
Home for a quick scrambled eggs on toast supper then over to the Queen’s Hall to meet CK and go to the Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s 50th birthday concert. A lovely evening (that will be repeated in Glasgow tomorrow night (Friday) and broadcast live on Radio 3….worth catching!
Did lots of chatting and schmoozing in the interval and at the reception afterwards …always enjoy CK’s ability to work a room and she’s great at introducing me to people.
Home, pooped, at 10.30pm and straight to bed!

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