A Day In The Life

By Irish59

LiL Dee

Chickadees are so darned cute and charming. They flit about chirping while I fill feeders, so excited to grab a seed or two. Then they perch on a branch striking the seed with their tiny beaks for that bit of morsel inside. Endearing in every way • I shoveled some but it’s been mostly an indoor day, and mostly quiet. For some reason the videos weren’t loading for the ukelele so I practiced chords and strumming instead. Soon I’m going to ask MrsP if she’d like to join me in watching Boardwalk Empire, an older HBO series starring Steve Buscemi. You may know him from the movie Fargo. There are five seasons and we’re in the middle of four. It’s set during Prohibition in Atlantic City, New York City and Chicago. If you like mob stories, you’ll enjoy this show. It concluded in 2014 • Stay Warm & Enjoy the rest of your Weekend!

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