
By SparseRunner


Today was rather better than yesterday. Although soggy everywhere and still windy after last night's storm, it was bright when I walked Django and found the ball that we had lost. Back home, I got the new solver working in HiGHS, and then went into work. 

И was already in the office and, at last, having got our workshop payment mechanism approved, we could finish the newsletter that included an announcement of it. For lunch we found an outlet on the campus that won't be too embarrassing when we eat with a French contributor to HiGHS tomorrow. Afterwards, we had a meeting with a mathematics software company that is soon to announce that they will be offering our major solver in their next release. It was good to feel valued. I then continued the task of extracting email addresses of people who have communicated with as the basis of our newsletter distribution list. Meanwhile И chose and set up a mail client that allows people to unsubscribe themselves. 

Meanwhile, running through the day were discussions with collaborators that will guide me when I decide whether to be part of a bid for a significant Canadian federal contract. 

Back home, I took Django for a walk, picking up supplies at Tesco to make tea for myself when I got back. 

Tomorrow will be no quieter!

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