
By pensionspoet

(Almost) Full Moon - Cromer

That was yesterday, but tonight it was looking spectacular over a raging sea. Jon and I went in to Cromer at 6 to buy fish and chips. The tide was as in as in could be, and crashing over the wall. We walked down to the pier to eat it. Then afterwards, stood for quite a while just watching the majesty of the waves.

We were back home by 7, and both had things we wanted to do before settling in front of the tv - that is only happening now at 9.20. We have put on last Sunday’s Vera.

Work was quite stressful so I’m not going over all that, but I have written 1302 words at am just over the 10,000 mark with my book. I’m getting new ideas as I write so it is quite exciting. I’ve also got a list of things I need to research. So I’ve exceeded my top end of January target and will try to keep up the pace. I’ve got 1/8th of a novel :-)

Next goal, 20,000

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