By lizzie_birkett

First School Trip

I didn’t take the photo,  Sabrina sent us it this morning.
Amelia went off one her first school trip today to Lockerbie Manor - an activity centre for young people. She was excited to be going away for 2 nights.
I took Bella walkies this morning as Frank was busy in the kitchen making soup for our guests who were arriving at 12.
I saw these birds up high in the tree and typically I’d forgotten my bifocals so couldn’t see them very well but I knew they weren’t the normal ones I see round here. So I went on my Chirp-o-Matic app and recorded them - turns out they were Waxwings. What a treat to see them. My photo isn’t good as I couldn’t zoom in enough but I know what they are! Extra.
Then we went to Settle for my Dr appointment. She was a young GP and listened to all my concerns and agreed I should stay on the HRT but we’d have another review in a year. I told her I was aware of all the benefits and risks, I lead a healthy life, eat a good diet, get plenty of exercise. She took my blood pressure which was perfect. So all good!
Our guests - Pauline and Brian arrived for lunch and we had a good old chin wag, it was great to see them.
I asked how their son Adam was doing and she told us he was crewing on Tall Ships all over the world and today would be docking in the Caribbean somewhere - what a fabulous life for a young man in his 30’s!

Frank was out practicing his words at one of the other choir member’s house tonight so I had a long phone call with Sue (sister) we must have been on the phone for at least an hour and then a lovely friend phoned me and we chatted for a while too. So all in all a very sociable day! 
It had been dry until 3pm and then the heavens open and it got quite windy, that seems to have died down now. It’s worse in Scotland though.

Off to bed now, Goodnight ;-)X

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