
By pensionspoet

A first

The morning was usual jobs. Preparing the veg for dinner, two loads of washing dried on the line, and a bit of cleaning upstairs. When Jon got back from archery he prepared the wood we bought yesterday to build the raised bed. Jon took it to the allotment in the car and I cycled up with my trailer and some more bags of horse manure. Jon built the raised bed which I filled with cardboard.

He then went to do his 1 hour gardening for an old man in the next village. I found a source of topsoil close by and ferried it across in the wheel barrow. It took 6 loads and I was shattered by the end. Glad to see the bed full, and hopeful that this year, I might be able to grow something successfully this year. We still need to get more wood and chicken wire to go over the top, but that can wait.

When I got home, Jon had put the dinner on. Mollie and Dan and Viki came for dinner. I had a bath to relax my aching muscles. I’m tired but feel better than yesterday. I have been lucky as Jon is still coughing.

Now Death in Paradise. A good Sunday night viewing! We will catch up with the pottery throw down in the week!

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