Fluffin & Fartarsing Around

..........In the cold dark evening down by the river........practicing some LE again....I will nail it one of these days...however I don't thing there is any certain recipe as each image and light is so different...trial...... error and more trial = success..... I think.

Earlier on the way to my friends house I took Rumi (not the poet) for a walk in this park......the trees are magnificent and it borders right onto the river...pretty....but for some reason it feels so spooky ........I would rather have a picnic in a graveyard.
For sure there are plenty of spirits inhabiting this place.

Well because of all my f & f'ing around its really late...I got a few decent LE's but not good enough to post. I am hoping to get around to commenting (it is my down time and I look forward to it every evening) but I still have jobs to do.

The water said to the dirty one,
"Come here."
The dirty one said,
"I am too ashamed."
The water replied,
"How will your shame be washed away without me?

Rumi (not the dog)

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