From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Mooning about....

Well, I usually shut my bedroom curtains early but yesterday I forgot. The moon was staring in at me so went downstairs for my camera. Crazy thing to be doing at half past midnight but that's the sort of thing Blipfoto has you doing. I took a few shots before getting into bed and managed not to drop my camera out of the window! I left it until late to post just in case something exciting cropped up i.e. I caught Tesco Man when he wasn't looking or the bin men deciding to do a little dance in front of the house.

It was the nice Tesco Man today - the big cheery one with the deep voice not the one who I'd waved my knickers at last week. He was his usual self thank goodness and didn't look nervouse or anything. I was relieved! They must have more important things to discuss down the depot than my underwear. I did have one dodgy moment when he said 'Have you anything you want to give me?' I gaped at him like a dratted goldfish and sighed with a laugh when he elaborated and referred to carrier bags for recycling. Phew!

A fly flew in while the front door was open. 'I never ordered that!' I told Tesco Man. The bloody thing was buzzing around for the best part of an hour before I murdered him. The fly, not Tesco Man! I don't want you thinking I have a collection of Tesco Men locked in the cupboard under the stairs. Interesting idea though!

The day endeth without any further excitement and that's the end of my waffling for today. I get this out of the way early, I can watch River City with no interruptions! For anyone who doesn't know what River City is, it's a Glasgow once a week soap produced by BBC Scotland. Apart from mom, I don't know anyone else who watches it! Even mom's hairdresser doesn't watch it. People from Edinburgh don't watch it either! Oh well...

Track? Here is a nice moon track for you from CCR - Bad Moon Rising

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