From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

I feel like dancing!

Some days definitely finish much better than they start! When I was running across Lode Lane on Monday after my wander down the canal, my right foot started feeling really uncomfortable underneath and I finished the rest of my walk home not exactly happily. As you know, I wear my walking boots nearly all the time. I don't wear them in bed or in the shower before you think I'm weird!

Yesterday was home working and I didn't go anywhere so rested my foot but this morning I was a bit bothered I was still having a sharp pain especially when in the shower and stood on one leg to scrub the other foot. Apologies if I have put you off your dinner!

Anyway I limped into work and wondered whether I should go to the hospital to have my foot x-rayed in case I had split a bone. I did that years ago just getting out of bed but it's a long story and I won't go into it now! Caroline in the office suggested I call in at the chiropodist in the alley by the council house. I decided I might as well as I had to pass by anyway to get to Robert Dyas.

I have never felt so mortified in my entire life! It looked just like a shop selling various sorts of insoles and I explained my predicament to the lady behind the counter. She started to get down some insoles she said would help when a big scary man appeared from behind a screen and insisted I take my boots and socks off! The lady behind the counter had to help as those dratted boots never come off without a fight. The security guards at Glasgow Airport had to help me once. The chiropodist was one of those non smiley funereal sorts but I suppose I wouldn't be smiling either if all I was seeing all day was gnarled toenails and sweaty feet! Oh, I have neither by the way.

Where was I? Ah right. Anyway, Mr Smiley made me stand on a glass platform at the back of the room with my jean legs rolled up as he stood behind me. I felt ridiculous and just prayed that no one from the council house could see me. He 'hmmmm'd and 'hawwww'd for a minute and then told me that one leg was longer than the other and asked me if I knew I had flat feet! 'Of course I know!' I nearly shrieked feeling a bit stressed with my trousers rolled up and my flat feet on display. 'I inherited my feet from my dad!'

He didn't even smile but inspected my right foot before giving me a pair of insoles which he said would redistribute my weight and relieve the pressure. The lady put the insoles in my boots for me while I put my socks back on. Mr Smiley disappeared back behind his screen and I paid for my insoles and walked out at first slowly, walking gingerly and then almost skipping! My pain was gone! Yahoooo!

I am so shocked! Despite being told I am a freak with different length legs and flat feet (which I inherited and can't help) I went dancing to Robert Dyas for bird seed and suet cake. I am still shocked now!

My poor dad! How I wish I hadn't inherited his feet though. I could have had a lifetime wearing dancing shoes...

Go large!

Track? Chris Rea tonight - Stony Road

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