From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Summer by the canal...

This really will be a quickie tonight, honestly! The heat has made me very lethargic and more dozy than usual. McDonalds was very quiet when I got in there this morning, got my tea and slumped in my seat. I'd removed my tea bag a bit too quickly this morning and my tea looked a bit grey this morning. I drank half of it and then I went up to the council house.

Andrew (Oracle DBA) popped up a bit later for a chat and I asked him how he manages to see my blip every day on his screen. I was sorry I asked and had a headache when he'd left! He has programmed his Raspberry Pi with a clever little routine so it picks up my latest blip and puts it out on one of the HDMI options on his massive TV! This is quite alarming really, as I have visions of Nancy (aged 4) seeing for example Bony, in his suspenders first thing in the morning! That could traumatise most adults, never mind a 4 year old!

Oh well. The rest of the work day was quite uneventful really. I popped out at lunchtime to M&S for something to eat and was very naughty on the way back and bought a white lacy blouse in Laura Ashley. It was winking at me through the door and was the only one in that style left and miraculously it was my size! I guess some things are meant to be.....

I went back home via the canal as the sun had come out and I couldn't think of a nicer place to sit down for a lovely chat. This beautiful barge went past while I was sat there and the two barge men waved hello as they passed by so I thought I'd catch them before they reached the bridges. I dawdled slowly back home a bit later and fed the birds when I eventually got home.

There endeth Wednesday. I am working from home tomorrow and Friday.

Track? I heard this on the radio yesterday and it's been going through my head ever since - Lovin' Spoonful - Summer in the City

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