Bee on the Cosmos

I became superheated this morning, partly by the strong sunshine, but mostly by the intense heat from the bonfire I built. I needed to get rid of the perennial weeds and old wood which I cleared during yesterday's big purge, as well as getting rid of Woodpeckers' old personal paper files which she didn't want going to the recycling bins.

I retired by lunchtime to have a bath, a read and to catch up with other stuff. Soon enough it became time for me to prepare supper, with salads and Cornish new potatoes and a bit of fish. Whilst the potatoes gently boiled, I went outside to investigate the strange and rather plaintiff bird noise. I saw several cats looking furtive beneath the bird feeders by the patio and thought that possibly a young bird had come to feed and got stranded with the cats waiting to pounce. So I interfered in the whole process by shooing the cats away and looking around in the undergrowth and trees for a bird, which I couldn't find. However, the calling stopped and didn't return.

I had taken my camera in case I found a small woodpecker, magpie or even a jay, which might have been possible. So instead I spotted this bee in the shadows climbing all over a rather jaded cosmos flower which is still resident on my potting station awaiting a decision on its final location. I then cut the other old flowers to allow the new shoots to come.

Now it is after after midnight and I have just watched a wonderful story about the brilliant street photographer, Vivian Maier, in the Imagine series. I highly recommend a view if you missed it. Then after midnight, I came towards bed and found that a few hours earlier Woodpeckers appears to have filmed a bee too.

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