Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Gavin ordered me a coeliac test as he is convinced that the symptoms I show when inadvertently eating gluten are stronger than merely a gluten intolerance, and could possibly be coeliac disease. So first thing this morning I did the finger prick test and had to drop the blood with a mini pipette onto a testing kit, I don't like seeing blood so it was pretty disgusting to do this first thing this morning. Then I read the notes that came with the test and if you have removed gluten from your diet - which I have - the test will show negative, which it did, so it was a waste of time and now I have a bruised fingertip! I presume without gluten in my diet I can never be tested for this. The other blood fingertip test I did yesterday for general food intolerances has failed, the lab contacted me today so say there was not enough blood so they are sending me another kit and I must do it all again. My poor fingertips!

It was a lovely day today, sunny and very mild at 15C and definitely feeling like spring. I enjoyed my walk with Xena and was surprised when this robin hopped on to a twig near to us, as birds usually don't come close because of Xena. I only had my 105mm macro lens with me so I had to step quite close to get this shot.

Today Luke wrote the final exam of his CFA qualification, there are three levels which one usually does over three years but he has managed to do all three in under two years - and also work long hours in his job, so no wonder he looks so exhausted every time I see him with dark circles under his eyes. If he passes this will be the final exam he will ever write, as he is will be doubly qualified as a CA and hopefully a CFA too. He is looking forward to getting his weekends back to enjoy himself again. Tomorrow is Meriel's birthday and Luke is taking her to Stockholm for the weekend as her present, I am so pleased they will have a relaxing weekend with no studying to think about.

I love this photo, it is just brilliant to see so many accomplished actors chosen for this photo, and that they are no longer young, some of them are in their 90's and how wonderful to be celebrated at that fine age.

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