A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53


The frontage of this relatively modern church where we sing on a Monday morning isn’t very pre possessing, later in the year it will be full of dandelions! I remember it when it was a huge old church where we had our school carol services and presumably the old cross there is from that church. 
I took these shots today because of the transformation from the last time we were here two weeks ago ( I missed last week because of my cold) when there were a few green shoots but no flowers at all. As you can see the snowdrops are in full flower and the daffodils very nearly open. An indication of how mild it has been over the last few days.

Heading over the moor to Hawksworth and Guiseley afterwards we passed lots of daffodils, including some delightful Tete a Tete by the traffic lights in full bloom. Everything  seems to have suddenly leapt forward though our garden daffodils, much in evidence, are not flowering yet.

A quick lunch and then off to the hairdresser. A cool wind has whipped up and it’s cloudier than it was this morning but it definitely seems we are at last heading towards Spring! 
Unfortunately I have to go out again later to church choir practice where we finally have the music for our Easter anthem. Only 5 weeks away. 
A busy start to the week.

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