Hospital day!

I've had a busy day working from home today. But little work was actually done due to numerous appointments.

Midwife this morning - second patient and she was all ready running late but then again having 15 minutes to do a full check up on a pregnant lady no wonder you are going to end up behind. I was in for about 20 minutes and I didn't have any problems or any major issues to discuss with her.
All was good on MW from bump is measuring 32 weeks which being 26 weeks would be worrying if there was just one in there vitas there's two it's to be expected.
Heartbeats were nice and loud at 140bpm and 130bpm but righty didn't really want to stay still for her to measure his!

Hospital this afternoon. Scan - still growing well and within the normal percential for singletons.
Consultant - happy with progress. Won't formally decide on delivery (C section or vaginally) until 34 weeks. I think he wants me to have a section as he is pushing for it every time we speak about it, but I don't see the need for it if both boys are in a good position for normal delivery but we'll see.

Steroid injection - painful but needed in case they make a super early appearance!

My fingers are starting to swell a little so have had to find a chain ready for when they really have to come off. Don't want to have them cut off!!

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