
By Marionb


A long time ago in the autumn, I went to a doctor concerning cold symptoms that would just not go away..and it was becoming an issue for me in my job..The symptoms seemed to appear every autumn, when I returned to teaching after the summer..and would last forever...The wise doctor asked me a few questions - Do you have a cat? Yes, I have cats. You have catS? More than one? Yes. Hmmm. Outdoor cats? Yes. You feel this way in the autumn, but not so much in the summer? Have you considered that you might be allergic to cats? No. Hmmm..Well perhaps you might like to rethink that? In autumn, you close up all your windows and doors as the weather gets colder...and don't open them again until spring and summer when your cats spend more time outdoors? Geez woman!  (well he didn't really say that last bit but I know he was thinking it.) His parting remark, after I said that I could not possibly get rid of my cats..that I love cats..was " Well never let them in your bedroom!" 

Uh Oh.....

Maggie, of late, has taken to napping on my bed and for whatever reason, I have let her. And, for whatever reason, I have been suffering of late from what could be allergy symptoms that just won't go away...Hmmm.... Maggie busted? Not..That would be me.. I should have known better...What was I thinking? But now, what to do?  She loves my bed! 

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