
By papertiger

Great things.

How would your life be different if ... you began each day by thanking someone who has helped you? Let today be the day ... You make it a point to show your gratitude to others. Send a letter or card, make a call, send a text or email, tell them in person ... do whatever you have to do to let them know you appreciate them.

-- Steve Maraboli

Appreciation can make a day - even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.

-- Margaret Cousins

Everyone appreciates being appreciated.

-- Lance Mitchell

Today was the last Wednesday Youth Theatre of the term and one of my lovely participants gave me a card with this at the top and a beautiful message below. I tell you, I started to get a bit tearful.

I don't know why but people letting you know they appreciate you is a bit of a rarity. It doesn't happen often, so when it does and it is genuinely from the heart, it means everything!

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