
By Brotographer

Socs Awards

Morning was rough, not to mention hazy. Still, I managed to make it to work on time, and then off to the Westwood National Rail Training Centre. 3 minutes away from campus, this place serves as a management training centre for NR and its ridiculous! Looks like a 5 star beach resort, very nice. We met a couple guys including the head of the centre, who all seem interested in our research, mainly because they want to promote a "green" image for the company. For the third time running though, we were unable to use the charging post... the vast amount of systems and interfaces really doesn't help in using EVs, I gotta say, unless you stick to using common 3-pin plugs.

Central campus was REALLY busy today! Not just the roadworks, but WSAF performances, guided tours, loud music on the piazza and It's A Knockout on the field by Whitefields full of bouncy castles. Not to mention a fire alarm sending everybody out of SUHQ and costcutter. All that + the sun = good summer vibes.


This was a great night, I was surprised by just how good society awards was. As an active society at the university with the most societies in the UK, Photosoc came out in force. Some of the highlights:
Firstly, EQHO's performance was even more cool than usual. Secondly, it was awesome to see David (and his usual supply of superlatives in the key of 'wonderful' and 'lovely') up on stage presenting throughout the night, couldn't think of anybody more suited to doing it. Silkie, our hugely respected Socs Sabb, got a couple standing ovations which she fully deserved. Food and wine was good as well, and the best part, almost all of us came out! Both new and old exec were all there, except for Eve unfortunately who's in Geneva. Check this photo out! With all of us looking classier than ever, our table looked really good, I gotta say. The decorations provided for some beautiful bokeh, as you can can see in the photo (notice the weird overlap over the bottle of wine?). Of course, there was that little thing about us not being shortlisted for Best Media/Art society, which did put a bit of a dent in our morale, but if anything it just showed us the high calibre to which we need to aim to excel. At the end of it all, as president Matt said, we're not in it for the awards, but it's something to aim for and prove how much our hard work is appreciated. So if anything, seeing RaW and WTV largely outdo us is motivational. We're gonna keep doing our own thing, there's no point in bending over backwards to be in the SU's spotlight, but we're gonna do what we do even better. Some good ideas started to get thrown around as well afterwards, when we headed to Terrace Bar for the afterparty. Plus a bunch of free JDs and coke. Shane gave a bunch of us a lift home, and I happily went straight to sleep at what can only deemed an "early" 1:30AM.


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