
By Jamjar

I withdrew from my Ramblers walk today as I thought I'd better do some work on the allotment. It's been so wet recently that I haven't been there for two weeks. 

So I trundled the wheelbarrow up there, with intention of leaving it, the bucket, fork and spade on my plot. I don't think its very likely to get pinched, although it's a shame the barrow is so new and shiny. Hopefully not for long!

I didn't do any digging, just moved three barrow loads of bark chippings onto the paths, once I'd decided where they were going, and dug up a few dandelions and a couple of brambles.

This morning I'd found some black gloss and painted my plot number onto the bit of broken pot I'd got from a garden centre the other week, free for the taking, see extra. It's now at the end of my plot. 

When I arrived Ben, the Chairman's black labrador, came to greet me, the Chairman's plot is next to mine, and I later chatted to a couple of other allotment holders. Nice to begin to get to know people.

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