
By KCNQ2Haiku


Washing and trimming
can take lots out of a dog.
Time to have a kip.

Ben did well again overnight which is a blessing without Mr KCNQ2Haiku here, I got him off to school OK and then came back to give Leo a quick wee and drop him at the neighbours before my parenting class.  The session was OK enough.  We were doing more about puberty, body changes etc.  They gave us some resources, most of which we've used with Ben in some capacity before but it's good to have a library of things to draw upon.  I came home to take the dog for a walk and then to the groomers, he's feeling very soft and silky now but it's clearly taken it out of him, he has been mostly asleep since he got home.
I fetched Ben from school and he was having a wobble, he's bothered by the idea of independence training at the moment and apparently it had all become too much for him during the afternoon and he'd been lashing out.  He was a bit tricky with me in the car but thankfully I was able to keep him on track.  He has been playing with his glockenspiel this evening which has been quite fun, so hopefully that will be something to keep his mind off other stuff for a bit.
Right, back to it :-)

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