
By Ridgeback13

Our streets

Having a lunchtime meet up arranged somehow gave me the impetus to get up and tackle the job I’ve been avoiding. Coffee and a steely determination got me through it, and I also remembered a few other things to add to the pile on the spare bed for my packing. I think I’ll need to remove about half of what’s there when I put it in the case this weekend!
Down to meet AF for lunch and a natter. I had a slightly odd club sandwich but it was ok and we enjoyed a wide ranging chat about concerts, accounting, MoUs, charging or not charging visitors, Board membership, holidays and the Festival.
I went straight down to Cameron Toll to get the last few things I need (I know I’ve said that a few times these last days, but there always seems to be one more thing!), then home for a while sorting my currency exchange out before going to meet CMB for tea and a catch up. T called and he was full of good news about having won a trip to Barcelona through work, and being chosen to go on a training course. He and Kt had had a nice afternoon at the Forest centre and he was up for more chat but I had to dash when CMB arrived. We talked about the latest Sara Sheridan book, TV series plans of hers and upcoming meetings she has that she obviously needed to plan out with me.
Ran from there to meet LE and go to the International Women’s Day lecture at the Uni, with Amina Shah the National Librarian speaking. The place was packed with a very appreciative audience and she gave a lovely personal talk in the form of a letter to her daughter about the generations of women in her family. First question suddenly morphed into an anti-Islamic rant which was unsettling, but she managed to pull it back and move on very skilfully and the rest of the questions were very supportive.
Chatted to some book group members and ex-colleagues over drinks, then on my way home I saw the light show/projections at Causewayside which were showing the fruits of a community project about how to use our common spaces and streets for the benefit of all…interesting.
Home for some fruit and yoghurt and an early night.

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