Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Today has been busy, I felt as if I was running late for everything I did today. I had an appointment with the vet first thing this morning. Xena, like most Vizslas, gets bumps from time to time. Actually I think all dogs get bumps but you don't see them on dogs with a thick coat - with Xena's fine, smooth coat every single bump is noticeable. However, a few weeks ago she developed a horrible warty type of bump on her face (you can see it in this photo) so I wanted the vet to check it. The vet said I had three options - to leave it for now but watch it, or to take a sample from it now to test, or to have it removed. As I am going away in a week's time we decided to leave it for now while I am away, and when I am back I will take Xena in to get it removed. The vet said there is no lump underneath so she does not think it is anything ominous, but when it is removed it will get tested to make sure.

Golf was fun today, we were using hybrids and woods and it went well. For some reason there are always red kites flying over the driving range, and today I was distracted by two kites who were flying really low over the area where we were hitting balls, then two of them landed and I was worried they would get hit by flying golf balls! There must have been something tasty amongst the golf balls lying in the field. After golf our group went for coffee where we discussed the problems of the world, haha. We actually spent most of our time discussing the broken NHS and how it is no longer fit for purpose, and how something drastic has to be done about it. One of our group has a daughter who is a doctor so she was telling us her views on it.

Amongst laundry, ironing and other chores, I remembered to upload my entries for our next PDI competition at camera club. I took absolutely ages trying to decide which images to enter, I find it hard to choose images for a competition.

Gavin and I are going out for an early supper with friends tonight, but I offered to make Tommy supper so I need to quickly cook that before we go out.

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