
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 54/81
Main activity: Thurs - errands, lemon-gello
Notes: Another nice cool morning. Headed out a bit after 8a for quick stops at Walmart, Lakeview Produce and Aldi. Had coffee when I got back, mixed up my own concoction (mostly) of essential oil lemon, monkfruit-sweetened gelatin, went to the pool a little after 11a - already direct and warm sun. Shower, meditation, then warmed up a freezer container of veggies and had a small salad. Also put some of the cookies in kefir. The lemon-gello turned out decent - is light and refreshing (probably use a bit more than 15 drops next time but it's close - will also try my wild orange). Online till 530-6p then streamed shows.

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