
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 64/74
Main activity: Fri - grainy, Purple bday!
Notes: Gray and rainy, tho rain was thru the night and then didn't see much after that until the evening. Slept late again, went to Publix at the ATM around 830a and then left the car out hoping the new layer of pollen would get washed off. Quiet day, had coffee and watched some Janine videos. Did my Joe Dispenza meditation and then shower. Had a bowl of cereal and some popcorn early when I popped on the TV and then decided to eat for real around 2p - made my Fri pizza w/ one of the tortillas I made a couple weeks ago, and had an arugula salad on the side (just bought and already pulling out so much to toss). Had TV on much earlier than usual and watched a little basketball (March Madness). Today, I wouldn't have Purple (motorcycle) 27 yrs - I can't hardly believe that, she still seems brand new to me! Wind kicked up around 530p. Watched some shows in the evening.

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