Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza


Got an early start this morning...a little bellydancing to get myself going. I go to class on Wednesdays but I try to practice at home every other day. I really do enjoy it...but again, I enjoy anything that has the ability to move me. Great song to dance to...and awesome video as well. Rachel Brice is such an amazing performer...she does Tribal Fusion and is considered one of the best in the industry...I can see why, she is really good. Tribal Fusion seems really cool and I would love to get into it, but I want to get the basics out of the way first ;)

Someone pointed out to me yesterday that Im getting back to my happy self. I stopped and thought for a second and yeah, I am. Life is interesting. I dont have the answers to all of my questions - but they're slowly becoming clear. Had a great talk w/ Austin last night...taking it slow and all...but I had one of those "wow" moments after our conversation. We have similar stories and experiences - similar views on life. It was such an amazing talk. People come into our lives for various reasons at various times...that I know. The rest...we shall see.

Busy day today...I need to do laundry, pack, get ready for the trip back home. I'll be gone all week - should be nice. My friend Bill is throwing a little get together on Wednesday - we'll see how big it gets! I'm sure they'll be photos. Looking forward to it. It's going to be a busy busy week. Work wise as well...I have some folks coming in from Hawaii, darn, why couldnt I go visit them?!!! ;)

Worked on more jewelry - uploaded a few pics on flickr...I didnt realize it was so difficult to photograph black jewelry - anyone have any tips?! One class and and I've already made six pieces of jewelry that I know I will wear. Pretty exciting - they're my designs...all originals and they're simple. I dont like dramatic jewelry - just like my life, I like my jewelry clean...and I do have a love for hematite and topaz...I can't wait to go shopping for stones!

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