Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Sad to say goodbye

I had a busy morning changing bedding and washing it, washing the towels and doing all the ironing. All done and at least we will return to fresh bedding when we get home again. 

I finished my packing - I started using packing cubes recently and they make such a difference, especially on a trip like this where we will be moving around so much and not staying for long in one place. It is so useful to have one type of clothing all in one cube and it is so much easier to access. I reduced the clothing I wanted to take as while we can have 23 kg on the British Airways flight to Johannesburg, the flight from Johannesburg to Windhoek in Namibia only allows us 20kg each.

I felt so sad to say goodbye to Xena. All morning she knew something was up and she has been following me around the house even more than usual. When I was young and care free travelling could have been so easy, although I never had the opportunity to do any of it then. Now that I am able to travel I get anxious about all sorts of things, mainly leaving Xena, and then other usual travel problems like delayed flights and lost luggage. I will only relax when I get to Windhoek with all my luggage with me.

The taxi driver has just arrived so I need to go! See you on the other side!

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