
By kevinmcc

Full circle

It's truly amazing how fast time passes by! I recently told a fellow blipper about a song that really hits home with me, regarding how short life really is. Have a listen to Michael Peterson's haunting song, "Autumn Falls" from the 1980's.

This is the first time that I have ever taken on a "picture a day" project. It's been a really fun, fast year! I have developed some really nice online friendships along the way, with folks who I would have never met otherwise.

My wife and my mother both question the meaning of online "friendships." "But, you have never MET this person," they say. I beg to differ. Do we REALLY need to meet in person to be friends??? Facebook is fine... but the blip community is one of those rare places where REAL online friendships develop!

I often ponder what folks reading these journals 100 years from now will think about our ramblings and images? It should be fascinating stuff to future historians.

Meet the old friend who got me started on blip. At first I thought, yeah, sure... I'll go have a look at this web site that you claim to enjoy so much :) He neglected to mention how ADDICTIVE blip is! Thank you "Mr. Contraptioneer." So just HOW much does blip pay you for every new PAID member that you add to the site? :)

What does the future hold for me? While I have signed up as a PAID member for a 2nd year, I'm still contemplating whether I will continue posting EVERY day. As much fun as it is, blip requires a significant time investment.

I may just decide to become a few times a week / month poster, but I will still attempt to have a look at everyone's journals on a regular basis.

It's been a FUN year - a sincere THANK YOU to all of you out there who have stopped by to leave comments, stars, and the occasional hearts.

Today's blip, "Full circle" is dedicated to my old friend Paul! Thanks buddy! And, I mean that with all sincerity!

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