
By JeanSnaps


A wet and gloomy day when I lazed around unwilling to do anything other than feed the birds, put away laundry and do a little dusting. Couldn't be bothered going shopping in Glenrothes so I went to the Co-op in Auchtermuchty and on to Strathmiglo to walk along the Eden.  The ground was sodden so I took my time. Much to my delight the butterbur was flowering and had spread over a wider area.  When I got back to my car I couldn't find my car keys. Checked every pocket several times over but no luck.. I didn't want to have to retrace my steps but another walker kept offering to do it for me which I didn't want either. Somehow I was sure I hadn't dropped them walking along the river. Luckily, in the end,  we spotted the keys a few feet from the car so all was well. The first extra was taken from my walk along the Eden. The second from the window on my way upstairs.

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