Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


I liked the way the tulips we bought the other day have already taken their wonderful droopy shape this morning, so I took them upstairs and tried getting some pictures... over here.

Marie from The Larder turned up mid morning and nearly wet herself laughing when we brought out bucket after bucket of bunches of flowers.
All the food and most of the flowers fitted into her car but the last bucket was just one too many.
I said I would take them to Strathbrock and Tuesday when I delivered the non perishable but she not to bother and we could  display them in our house. We said that we had our own and we were then told to spread a little Easter Spirit ....... so we did - we went round some of the neighbours and handed them out. 
We arrived at one house with the last bunch as the lady of the house arrived home and her husband opened the door. They are one of the few couples still in residence from when the houses were built. Bags used to babysit for her two boys.... who are now living in Japan and Glasgow and are happily living with their partners (one a Korean girl and the other a Japanese girl). We haven't seen them for a while as a lot of time is spent at her mothers as she is suffering badly from vascular dementia.
We were invited in for a catch-up and a cuppa and it was lunch-time before we left.

After lunch we went out to get some bread (my fault - I forgot to add it to the list) and we met up with Mr & Mrs H in the car park .... and ended sitting chatting to them for an age.

So all in all, it has been quite a sociable day.

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