The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Still Life With Eggs (Wednesday 3rd April 2024)

I used to get my eggs from Monument Farm just outside Calne. It overlookeed the monument of local heroine Maud Heath, but one day I called at their farm shop and learned that they no longer kept any hens. I used to be able to see them clucking happily around behind the driveway to the shop. Since then I've occasionally found some at various roadside honesty boxes, but mostly have had to rely on free-range eggs from supermarkets and our Friday Market.

This week via the app Next Door I found someone who keeps hens and had 60 to sell (they lay about a dozen per day), so arranged to buy a dozen from her home. I went by car so I could use the sat-nav but found that it is just about within walking distance for future visits, now I know the location. The hens were not visible but judging from the variety of colours it would seem she has several different breeds.

Thursday 4.4.2024 (1330 hr)

Blip #4062 (#3812 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #004
Blips/Extras In 2024 #046/266 + #017/100 Extras
Day #5123 (1253 gaps from 26.3.2010)
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day #3201 (#3041 + 160 in archived blips)

Still Life series
Old Forge series

Taken with Pentax K-5 and Pentax  D FA Macro 100mm F2.8 WR prime lens

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Muireann Bradley - Candyman (2023)
Played on this evening's Folk Show (BBC Radio 2). Muireann Bradley's performance of this tune on Jools' Annual Hootenanny was the highlight of the whole show. A 17-year old country blues guitarist and singer from Ballybofey, County Donegal, she performed this old Reverend Gary Davis cover.

One year ago:
Lacock NT

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