
By MrsK277

Happy Easter

Incredibly left by 8.15, with FK transferring straight from bed to the back seat of the car in his Pj's and dressing gown and managed to sleep for another hour. I was glad he was awake as i needed someone to talk to for the last half hour!
I just wanted to be there for the Easter Sunday service and so pleased we made it. It was Thelma's last day on the organ as her arthritic fingers can't cope any more. There were tears, but a lovely service with great hymns.
Mum had put half a leg of lamb in the oven before church so it smelt gorgeous when we got there. I quickly did the veg and roasties and we sat to eat together. Interesting how a year has changed dynamics...she was eager for us to leave and sleep, and so were we. That was the reality and we were all comfortable with that and without guilt.
FK and I just rested without sleep, and I spent some time just being in the garden, with its early spring colour, but had an early night after catching up with MrK by phone 

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