The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Horsley Mill

So far, 17 800 steps today!

Stayed in for the mouse control man. He has left some bait in the loft, just in case. I started putting a few clothes away, which led to a clear out and the throwing away of approximately two thousand pieces of paper. Hurrah! 

Walked to the Trinity rooms for lunch. Sat opposite the former mayor of Stroud for many years, JM. Sadly he has dementia now and doesn't recognise anyone. He was with his carer. He used to be a great talker, but not now. So many parallels with my mother. 

Went down to town to meet friend AP at the bus stop. We took the bus to Nailsworth and walked to Ruskin Mill college in the valley bottom. The college specialises in outdoor education and traditional crafts. The main building overlooks a lake, and there are fish farms further up the valley. We walked up towards Horsley Mill (see above pic) and further up the valley until we left the college grounds. We walked up a hill and A got worried that we were lost. We were, but not a lot....we then had to ski down some mud (only a little) to get to a stile and a road with beautiful cottages. I got Google maps to help me. We even walked down the main road for a while, but didn't like that so nipped down to the path again at Horsley Mill, which is also part of the college. 

When we returned o the college, we got a cup of tea from the cafe and sat out on the verandah overlooking the lake. I hadn't been there since the day of GS' cremation in 2022, when we had tea with her daughter. Bitter-sweet memories. 

A and I walked back to Nailsworth, where we browsed the charity shops. She found a Travel Scrabble set with a zip up case. I've never seen such a fancy model. I bought peanut butter ice cream (not in the charity shop). 

Took the bus back to Stroud. A had her pensioner's bus pass confiscated! Apparently she has two. What a rebel. I then walked up to V's workplace and we hung out for a while, then went for a walk until it was time to go to the shopping centre(!) for some live music. The food outlets were open, so I had masala dosa, and V had Sri Lanka dhal. The doda was not as good as in India. We didn't like the music, so we left, and V gave me a lift home. 

Now I'm watching a programme about pilgrimage, while working at a jigsaw. My student S is back from London, and wants to talk to me about his plans to get his teeth fixed, which is going to cost around three billion million pounds. What a curse it is to be handsome! I'm of the yellowing teeth tribe, but he wants movie star gnashers.

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