
By MarilynParker

I know, I know....

Yes, I have posted several photos of our magnolia but I'm astounded at how long it has been in flower. It has never lasted this long. It has had to contend with torrential rain and high winds as well. There are quite a few petals on the lawn now but it's still going strong and looks good.....looks better than it ever has.
Extra of one of our azaleas just for the sake of change.
I did some sorting out in the shed this morning and was  about to finish that and do some weeding plus some lawn-edge-cutting when I was rained off. Packed everything away as quickly as possible and came in. The rain stopped and the sun came out but I couldn't be bothered getting things ready again - perhaps wise because it has rained on and off a lot, sometimes heavy, plus it's been very gusty all day. There have been a few things blown over and blown around in the garden.
Had a bit of a lazy afternoon, doing little except play on my phone and computer but I've  done my printout for tomorrow's caching trip which is around the Astley (Greater Manchester) area.

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